Our Mission

The Glasgow Wrestling Academy is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that helps to expose urban and inner-city children in and around Metro Atlanta to the sport of wrestling. In our proGram, kids are mentored by some of the best wrestling coaches and mentors, including Coach Antoine Glasgow. 

Through the sport of wrestling, we provide and teach structure, build character, and we Give the physical and mental power to our students to reach their Goals no matter what they are. We help to mold young people into respectful, productive members of society while preparing them for the road ahead in the real world of life.


Many of the kids in and around our community can’t afford to fully participate in our proGram. The coaches and many of the parents help where they can, but they can’t do it all alone. This is where you can help. Your donation will help to provide scholarships to many of our teammates who otherwise could not afford to be a part of our proGram. Donations will help to do things like: buy wrestling shoes, uniforms, and other Gear for some of our wrestlers. Donations also allow kids to participate in our weekly wrestling tournaments and training sessions.

Each year, individual Givers are recognized on our website.  Generous business donors are acknowledged on our web site, in our Academy, and at special GWA events.

GWA Awards Ceremony

The Glasgow Wrestling Academy is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that helps to expose urban and inner-city children in and around Metro Atlanta to the sport of wrestling. We require the Generosity of people like you to keep our doors open.