Some of Our Frequently Asked Questions

Membership has its benefits!

Becoming a member at GWA is a simple process. Simply follow the steps below and you are all set.

Step 1: Enroll and Pay Registration Fees $125

Step 2: Select your package




Step 3: Select your membership timeframe

A) Daily

B) Monthly

C) Seasonal

D) Annual

Step 4: Purchase USA Wrestling Card

(purchased separately through GWA or at:

Step 5: Step Up Your Game with

Members’ only Private Sessions

Private Wrestling Technique Lessons (PWL)

Private Conditioning Sessions (PCS)

High Intensity Frog Fitness Sessions (HIFFS)

Sibling Discounts

Sibling discounts are available for monthly and annual packages for families with two or more children enrolled..

Note: We cannot refund for missed classes. We do not carry-over make-up classes from one month to the next. We accept Cash, Check and US issued: Visa, Master Card, Amex, and Discover Cards **USA Wrestling Card is mandatory for all competitive wrestlers in the USA.* Limited time offer. Rates are subject to change. At the time of rate change, above rates will be honored for existing members only.

** All members must pay a one time initial registration fee before beginning any sessions and  annual membership dues thereafter. USA Cards are mandatory for all competitors. Parents are encouraged to obtain USA Wrestling Cards through GWA.

Q: How are kids matched up?

A: Wrestlers are divided by both age groups and weight class. Age groups are (U= Under the years of age ex: 6U means 6 years old and under) 6U, 8U, 10U, 12U & 14U. Weight classes are typically separated by 3lbs-5lbs and increase in the heavier weight classes.

Q: What is your coaching philosophy?

A: Our goal is to build a solid foundation on and off the mat by teaching the fundamentals of wrestling as well as enhancing overall agility, strength, speed, flexibility, and endurance while helping kids develop a love for the sport of wrestling.  While we work hard and have had great success at the youth level, we place great emphasis on building a foundation so that kids can become complete champions in high school and college (whether in wrestling or in life). Although we all want our children to win, they won’t start off winning. Some may win a few early on and some won’t, but they will all progress as time passes. Wrestling is an extremely tough mental sport that prepares our youth for whatever lies ahead by teaching them to push through barriers and hurdle obstacles in life. And that is our ultimate goal, to prepare our youth for great success in life.

Q: My child plays football or another sport. Can my child still participate

A: Yes!  We are a year-round training facility. We have football, basketball, soccer players and other sports athletes on the team every year. We will always review the basics so your child can stay up on our technique. Your child can start practice even if he/she is still participating in another sport. Although we encourage a full commitment during our season (November – March 7th) to achieve the highest possible success, some young athletes take advantage of our multiple days a week schedule to practice with another sport.

Q: Are there many injuries in wrestling?

A: While there can be bumps & bruises just as in all sports, wrestling is actually one of the safest sports for young children. It is also safer than most other contact sports such as football. Wrestling is a very controlled sport focusing on technique with very few “collisions” that would cause injuries.

Q: Do I need to buy any equipment?

A: Wrestlers will need wrestling shoes, a singlet, and headgear. Those with braces will need a mouthpiece. Team singlets are purchased through GWA. Wrestling shoes can be purchased online or at a sporting supply store. We recommend:

Q: How long is the wrestling season?

A: Although we are a year-round training facility, certain months are set aside for the actual wrestling season, postseason and preseason. The Folkstyle wrestling season is from November to the first week in March. Postseason wrestling, also known as Freestyle and Greco, goes from May-July.

Q: How much does it cost to wrestle for GWA?

A: Please visit our special offers pages for prices.

Do they need a physical from a doctor?

A: No.

Q: Where do I register?

A: You can register through our special offers page. Alternatively, you can visit us in person immediately before or immediately after any of our practice times.

Q: How should my child arrive for practice?

A: Kids should bring a water bottle, shoes and headgear to practice and dress in comfortable clothes: t-shirts, shorts, sweatpants or running pants. Shoes worn outside cannot be used on the wrestling mat. Your child should wait until they arrive at practice to put on his/her wrestling shoes INSIDE THE BUILDING.

Q: Is there practice during school vacation weeks?

A: Yes. We follow the DeKalb County School System Holiday schedule. During Extended Holiday breaks, practice times may vary, so please check with the coach.

Q: If my child will not be at practice, do I need to notify the coach?

A: It would be helpful to let us know, but we also understand that it is not always possible to call or email.


Q: When are the tournaments?

A: Wrestling tournaments are scattered around the Atlanta Metro as well as outside of the Metro. Sometimes we may travel outside the state to compete. The tournaments can also be lengthy in time, but please be patient. Although they last several hours, they are plenty of fun. Kids love it and seem to never get restless. It gives them plenty of time to release bottled up energy, bond with their team as well as other kids. Georgia tournaments are typically held on Saturdays and Sundays for beginners.  Ages 6U-10U will compete in a morning session on Saturdays (8am-1pm) with weigh-ins from 7am-7:30 am. 12U and 14U compete in the afternoon session on Saturdays (1pm-5pm) with weigh-ins from 11:30am-12:30pm. There are also beginner tournaments for 1st and 2nd-year wrestlers in all levels on Sundays. Weigh-ins for beginner tournaments are usually around 11am-12pm. Wrestling typically begins at 1pm and last until around 5pm-6pm.

  • Bring activities for your wrestler and any siblings that come along.
  • Bring plenty of healthy snacks (see Q&A below)
  • Kids are not required to stay after they are eliminated but they are highly encouraged to stay to cheer on their teammates.

Q: Are wrestlers required to go to any or all tournaments?

A: Tournaments are not mandatory, but the kids are very much encouraged to attend. Participation in tournaments is a great way for the kids to reinforce what is learned at practice as well as build their confidence.

Q: Does GWA provide transportation to the tournaments?

A: GWA does not provide transportation to the tournaments. However, some parents may choose to carpool or leave from a designated area and leave as a group.

Q: Is there an admission fee at the tournaments?

A: Generally $3-Children, $5-Adult, $7-Family

Q: Is food available at the tournament or can I bring my own?

A: Each tournament will have concession stands with breakfast, lunch, snacks, and drinks. Unfortunately, do not plan on a school having an ATM, but most have banks in very close proximity. You may also choose to bring food. Bringing food is acceptable at all tournaments. However, most schools will not allow you to bring coolers inside the gymnasium. They will designate an area for coolers, usually just outside the gymnasium in the hallway. If bringing food, we encourage all parents to pack a healthy lunch with healthy snacks. Plenty of fruits (especially oranges), granola bars, and peanut butter and honey sandwiches. We do not suggest snacks like: candy, Doritos, Cheetos, or similar chips, soda, or sugary drinks. Water is always the best option for drinks.

Q: Is there anything else needed to be done by the wrestlers before each tournament?

A: The kids need to:

  • trim fingernails
  • if wearing braces, they’ll need a mouthguard
  • hair must be trimmed and cut above or not touching  the ear lobs. Otherwise, a hair cap will be needed.
  • wear their singlet and their warm-up suits
  • carry-in their wrestling shoes and headgear (please do not allow wrestlers to wear shoes into the building, this contracts lots of germs and dirt, which will transfer onto the mats and onto wrestler’s skin).
  • wrestling shoes should be double tied and tucked or tied and taped before stepping on the mat.